Honestly dude, I think your cartoons have been excellent and show a lot of quality. I can see why people would make the Filmcow comparison, but I think that's just because of your voice tones and fast paced conversations. But that can be found in lots of videos. Seriously, just keep doing what you're doing because you're doing it right.
Now I will admit that the Darkar one was pretty simple for getting such high reviews. But you are doing a parody of it, so it must deserve some praise right. As for yours, the animation was alright but after the second time it got repetitive. Put forth some effort into doing some different animations for each. And the World Trade Centers? Really? I would have probably given it a higher rating before but when you added that stupid guy at the end AND your shameless promotion, that was too much. If people like your stuff they'll find it on your page. You seem talented so go make other stuff. But this was just kinda lame.
I put enough effort into this to match Darkar's. About the same amount of frame by frame, more detail in some areas, less detail in others. I think it pretty much evens out, but I did more animation than he did with the multiple endings. I'm sure as hell not going to make that intro part more than once for a parody when Darkar didn't. I mean, it's just a parody. If you wanna pan people for animation, go review Girlchan in Paradise. While you're at it, you can hunt down LegendaryFrog and David Firth for their constant tweens (many of which are rather stiff). By the way, I love Girlchan in Paradise and the work of those two artists. Their animation is pretty damn cheap, but their movies are still good and funny. I put effort into my animation and cheaped out a little... so what?
And the shameless promotion was just an additional joke in many ways. Starting the announcement like it's something big and then quietly revealing the truth, some people might get a kick out of the newbish writing, and, hey, who knows? Maybe someone will like the comic. Is that so horrible? I warned you it's a promotion, so you could just stop watching it at that point if you aren't interested.
And people won't find it on their own. Webcomics get popular either through advertisements or word of mouth, and I've got neither going for me.
And I'm surprised it took this long for someone to complain about the World Trade Centers. I really thought I was crossing the line there. It may have been years ago, but it's still a sensitive subject to many, and I do think it's awful that so many people had to lose their lives that way. This one was Matthew Rushton's idea, actually... not that I'm blaming him or whatever. It was my decision to animate it. Well, some people can laugh at deaths/tragedies/other morbid humour, some can't. When you stop and think about it, it's seriously nothing to laugh about, but I guess I think it's better to laugh if off if you can rather than be depressed about it. Not like "HAHAHA THOSE DIRTY AMERICANS GOT WHAT THEY DESERVED ", but just simply "hah, Link accidentally did 9/11 with his poor aim". Well, everyone has their own sense of humour; I really don't mean to force it upon you or whatever. If you didn't find it funny, then that's that. I meant no real offense, though.
The movie is good. It is creepy at atmospheric but there is no story behind it. Nothing to explain the scenario. I love the animation, the sound, and the overall feel of the movie. Now just expand upon it. Why is he there? Who put him there? Let's see more. I expect great things.